Hi-Fi / Highend & Home Cinema
Thanks to technological advances and increased quality of life, hobby spaces such as Hi-Fi and home cinemas can now be made in homes.
Electronic systems used in these places can be economical, as well as include very advanced and expensive systems. But full performance cannot be obtained from devices used in a space where there is no acoustic arrangement. In such spaces, the sound insulation of the rooms must be made as well as the acoustic arrangement.
Acoustic arrangement in the space begins with the physical structure of the room and is completed with the characteristics of the acoustic panels and electronic devices used in the room.
The most common problem is reverb. The sound travels through the room, hitting the walls, and disappears late due to a lack of absorbent material. In this way, chaos occurs in the room, and the sounds cannot be heard correctly. To eliminate this, it is necessary to use both absorber and diffuser panels inside the room or parallel wall structure should be avoided.
Turning rooms that are not originally designed for Hi-Fi or home theater can often require serious acoustic arrangements. Getting advice for this will help you achieve practical and accurate results.